Cyberscout is a leading provider of identity protection services, products, and consulting. Primarily a B2B company, CyberScout works with the leading financial services companies, insurance giants, and employer organization in the US and worldwide.

The Solution
The identity protection space is a highly competitive market that requires actors to set themselves. Cyberscout (CS) has been doing that since inception with expert industry experience, best-in-class customer service and resolution centers, as well as innovative products and services.
The product managers at CS came to our team with a challenge to solve the problem of disparate product and solution availability for the masses. End-users would be presented with a self-service portal, including checkout and payment for one-off ans subscription payments, all tied to one-click access to the resolution centers. The solution should be able to be white-labeled and/or co-branded based on the delivery channels and traditional B2B sales model that CS employees.
Enter, Cyberscout HQ, a one-of-a-kind marketplace platform to manage everything related to your identity protection. Built on Vue.js, it provides the end-user with a modern, convenient, and fluid experience to manage any products they already have, or add more services and products to their portfolio.

Both internal and third-party products are made available to the end-user, including Password Managers, Cyberscout's FraudScout, Truman Grade browser extension, and much more. The checkout process is integrated with a secure payment processing engine for a quick and painless experience. In addition, alerts are provided for credit updates, product and service expiration/renewals, and industry news.
The Result
Users are accustomed to a mobile app store-like experience, whether they are iPhone users or Android fanatics. The experience with HQ was built with that in mind. The Vue.js user interface provides a smooth, no-refresh experience making the result feel more like a native application than a browser-based solution.
Now users have direct access to a plethora of solutions and add-ons in one place. This reduces direct calls to the resolution center, provides end-users with a sense of ownership and provides a way for CyberScout to promote its own products as well as third-party vendors looking for an outlet and sales platform.